One red, helium-filled balloon. White ribbon. Total cost: $1. That’s all it took to win Halloween in my neighborhood — two years in a row.
So what, right? I know, it sounds like a weird flex. But hear me out. My point isn’t that I’m a holiday decorating genius (though, that’s probably true, too).
The point here is the old adage “simple is usually best” holds true on all fronts, and especially in marketing.
As I watched dads walk by and convince their kids to look in the sewer where me and my youngest son tie the balloon every year, I couldn’t help but laugh. Kids jumped back. Dads laughed. Moms hollered. Teenagers, cloaked in half-assed costumes but full of spooky-season spirit, took selfies.
For about $1, a quick trip to Party City and a good idea, we were able to generate all kinds of fun (insert marketing jargon, such as “engagement” here if you feel the need to sound LinkedIn smart) for the entire neighborhood. Why? Because the idea was culturally relevant, startlingly different than the inflatables and giant skeletons in every other yard, and it was easy to interact with.
When we market, we have to think the same way. Sure, we have to deal with budgets and briefs and all kinds of barriers. But instead of looking at those as limitations, consider them opportunities. If you can create buzz for a buck, you can definitely do it with even a modest marketing budget.
An Open Mind Matters
I’ve been lucky enough to have a few “red balloons” in my career. And guess what: Each time one came to life it was because a client was willing to try something different.
That doesn’t mean they were willing to spend a bunch of money, buy a ton of media or put their brand at risk. Far from it. Instead, they were willing to trust an idea that went a different direction than their competitors.
The result: They stood out, garnered genuine attention from customers and ultimately separated themselves from the pack.
The point is this: A good idea is often inherently different than what’s out there. It may feel weird to follow it. You may even think you’re not going big enough. For instance, how could a $1 red balloon be more interesting than two 30-foot tall skeletons? But knowing your audience, making it easy for them to interact with your idea and making them pause for even a second is more important than flash.
Push Yourself to Simplify
This is something I’ve had beaten into me since my days as a reporter. First clarify. Then simplify. Once you know what you’re trying to do or say, you can dive into ideas.
At first, you may start with an idea that’s complicated and elaborate. This generally means you’re in the early stages of creative problem solving. You have a sense of what you’re trying to solve but you haven’t distilled it down to its core – critical if you’re going to communicate effectively.
Let’s go back to the balloon. I could’ve gone with flashy Frankenstein monsters, fog machines and freaky flyin’ witches. But that would’ve been nothing but noise in a sea of orange and black.
Instead, I had to get at the core of the message: We needed to startle and intrigue – without doing what everyone else was doing.
So, next time you think you need some complicated, over-the-top marketing campaign, pause for a minute. Ask yourself: Have you nailed the insight? Do you know what will make people react? Most often it’s not the giant skeleton. It’s the red balloon.
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