Bringing Value to Ventilation

Project Overview

In the midst of the pandemic, one thing became very clear to a lot of people: Breathing clean, fresh air when indoors – and surrounded by others – is incredibly important for our health.

Airxchange, the industry leader in energy recovery ventilators (a vital HVAC component), knew it had the solution to solve one of the biggest challenges people face when trying to properly ventilate their buildings: They could make it affordable.

Here’s the thing: They make a highly engineered component that’s not visible to anyone other than contractors and facility managers. And many didn’t realize that it was possible to ventilate buildings without spending an insane amount of money on electricity.

Customer Research

Message Development

Media Planning

Creative Concepting & Development

Public Relations

Social Media Advertising

Content Creation

Our Job: Raise awareness for energy recovery ventilators, the issue at hand, and position Airxchange as the go-to solution.

With research and clear messaging in our back pocket, we set out to do what we do: Create clear, compelling communications that stand out from run-of-the-mill stuff you see in the B2B space.

With research and clear messaging in our back pocket, we set out to do what we do: Create clear, compelling communications that stand out from run-of-the-mill stuff you see in the B2B space.

We landed on a simple idea: Breathing fresh air is a universal desire. No one wants to think they’re breathing germy, polluted air – especially when indoors. Yes, COVID-19 brought it to the forefront, but this shouldn’t be a fad.

Backed by compelling on-site content that dove deeper into the product, we developed a series of ads that ran across social and industry trade publications. With a targeted audience, we tested the “fresh air not fads message” against more direct, traditional advertising.

The Result

The Fresh Air, Not Fads ads outperformed traditional messaging more than two to one, driving more site traffic, a higher engagement rate and more than double the impressions.

The Takeaway: Find the message and deliver it in a way your audience isn’t expecting. Too much advertising is boring and ineffective. If you know your audience and their pain points, you don’t need to do what everyone else is doing.

CONTACT US. unless you like doing the same ol’, same ol’.