A Coveted Jogging Stroller Brand, Reborn as a Lifestyle Brand

Project Overview

If you’ve recently been in the market for a jogging stroller, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of BOB Gear. The problem? As a brand, BOB strollers didn’t exactly know who they were — and competitors were starting to crop up left and right.


BOB Gear needed a total brand overhaul, starting with brand strategy. It was brought to life with fresh brand look and feel.

It started with BOB’s key feature – its infamous durability – intersected with the emotional motivation of BOB’s consumer. A BOB stroller isn’t necessarily about fitness. It’s about what kind of parent you want to be. About what kind of child you want to raise: A little adventurer.

The Result

The new look and positioning reflect this feeling, shedding the previous military surplus style for a modern look with emotional appeal.

CONTACT US. unless you like doing the same ol’, same ol’.