Capturing the Attention of Cannabis Growers

Project Overview
With more competition entering the legal cannabis industry nearly every day, Quest needed to protect its position as the industry’s most trusted, efficient dehumidifiers.
To do that, Quest needed to hit reset on its brand and product messaging to remind cultivators that they need humidity control. Why? As more growers entered the market and product inventory grew, they were cautious about spending on new items, especially premium products.
Message Development
Media Planning & BUYING
Creative Concepting & Development
Knowing our target audience and their specific needs, we developed messaging that reinforced what makes Quest products special: The industry original that packages efficiency and expertise under one roof.

With messaging dialed in, we built a campaign designed to drive awareness, but also to compel potential customers to download Quest’s popular e-book. We targeted one industry print publication, a national digital outlet and Spotify radio – we also created numerous print and banner ads as well as radio and sponsored content.

The Result
Quest sold more dehumidifiers that year than any other year and continues to maintain its position as the market leader. In fact, they’ve did so well that inventory can’t keep up at times (and not because of supply-chain issues).